Congratulations you've taken the first step to radically transforming your life through experiencing God!

You'll Find the link to Your FREE eBook below...

But Wait... Before You Download & Read the eBook

Do you want to experience the full benefits of the life-changing sense of peace, faith and love from God can bring... right away?

Now you can.

Dear Believer,

If you want to experience God and see lasting change in your life today and not take weeks figuring out on your own, You have to read this.  

I've just released my first "Engage with God" session complete with guided exercises so you can experience the power of these powerful techniques today.

30 minutes from now I guarantee you will begin to hear and experience God and see any tangible feelings of anxiety, fear and doubt begin to melt away.

Here is what you'll walk away with after this incredible session:

  • New Bible-based beliefs that position you to experience the change and growth you ache for.
  • Hearing and experiencing Jesus, walking into greater peace and love, away from fear, doubt and worry.
  • Self-confidence and self-esteem in your new identity, in Christ. 

Before we go further though, let me tell you what this course isn't! 

Christians all over the world are aching to experience peace and fulfillment in their lives and are turning to  apps like "Headspace" or mindfulness courses to find it.

This is not a new age, mind over matter or worldly meditation exercises! 

These sessions are Holy Spirit inspired and empowered Bible-based exercises that, unfortunately, you just don't get taught in church. 

So here's what I'm offering.

My full-week 5-session "Engaging God" LIVE course is usually $297. 

Right now I'm offering the first recorded session complete with guided exercises so you experience God immediately... for only $7. 


Because I remember when I was struggling to walk in peace every day and all I wanted was a reprieve from the mental struggle, confusion and chaos in my mind.

Even though these live sessions on their own typically cost over $50 each, I know you are serious about changing your life, otherwise, you wouldn't have requested my ebook or be reading this!

I know this content changes lives. It certainly did mine, rescuing me from anxiety and negative beliefs and habits, and it is doing the same for a ton of others. 

That's why I've got to get it out to more people who need help! 

I am making the course incredibly affordable right now at over 85% off its regular price because I know you're serious about growing your relationship with God, the session will help get you the transformation you're looking for right away AND the small investment of $7 helps me get these techniques out to more people!

And here's my guarantee. 

If you don't feel like what you got out of the session is worth $7, I'll refund you with no questions asked.

That's a win-win situation with no risk for you to try it. 

I know you are going to love experiencing God and the deep sense of peace, confidence and faith that comes with it. 

Click the button below to get your first session online instantly. 

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Manitoba, Canada
